Earths -Unknown Facts

Here you will get to known about the lesser known facts of the earth.
The unknown facts of the earth are:-

1.There is enough gold in earth core to coat its entire surface to a depth of 1.5 feet.
2.63 earths can fit inside the planet uranus.
3.The southernmost active volcano on earth is in antarctica. it spews crystals and is very close to the U.S  research center.
4.Rain has never been recorded in parts of chile's atacama deserts, the driest place on earth.

5.One-third of earth's land surface is partially or totally desert.
6.The earth lost 40% of its wildlife in the past 40 years, according to the WWF
7. There are about 22000 man-made objects orbiting around the planet earth.
8.The earth's deepest known point equals to 24.5 empire state buildings end to end.
9.If the earth did not have the moon ,our days would only be 6 hours long.
10.Our galaxy probably contains cat least 2 billion planets like earth.

11. It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to travel from sun to the earth.
12.The queen of U.K is the legal owner of the one-sixth of the earth's land surface.
13.The earth's core is about as hot as the sun.

14.Every second the sun sends to earth 10 times more neutrinos than the number of people on earth.
15.Earth is the only planet not named after a god


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